Devotionals & Bible Studies

  • Floral Be Still Journal

    Floral Be Still Journal

    The Be Still Journal® is a guided journal for intentional Bible study. This journal can be used on its own or with any Bible study, devotional, or reading plan. The journal includes a section on how to use the journal, as well as sample pages...

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  • Praise: A Walk Through The Psalms

    Praise: A Walk Through The Psalms

    We are called, as believers, to worship the Lord, but what does this look like practically in our everyday lives? How do we worship God in every season, including seasons of pain and suffering? Praise is an in-depth study of Psalms 91–120 that...

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  • 40 Days With Jesus

    40 Days With Jesus

    40 Days with Jesus | 7 Week Study | A Study on the Life of Christ "The next day John saw Jesus coming toward him and said, “Look, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world!” John 1:29  If we desire to walk with Jesus for a...

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  • Ruth Bible Study

    Ruth Bible Study

    This 4-week study on the book of Ruth is an in-depth look at the book of Ruth and how this small book points to the gospel. The short book of Ruth is packed with grace and truth for every season of life. It is a reminder that God is present in the...

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  • Journey To Freedom Study Guide

    Journey To Freedom Study Guide

    This is a seven-week study designed to teach on the gospel of Jesus Christ through retelling the life of Moses. This study recounts biblical narrative in Exodus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy to show how Moses, the tabernacle, and the wilderness journey were...

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  • Faith Foundations Study Guide

    Faith Foundations Study Guide

    Are you new to the Christian faith? Do you long for answers to nagging questions in your mind about God, Jesus, and the Bible? Do you want to explore the basics of Christianity again because they’ve become dull and distant? No matter where you...

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  • Wait | Psalms 31-60 Bible Study

    Wait | Psalms 31-60 Bible Study

    Wait | 6 Week Study | A Walk Through Psalms 31-60 How do we trust God through seasons of waiting and suffering? What do we do when it seems that we have been forgotten in our waiting? It is at these times and at every other time that we must run to the...

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  • Delight | Psalms 1-30 Bible Study

    Delight | Psalms 1-30 Bible Study

    Delight | 6 Week Study | A Walk Through Psalms 1-30   Does God want to hear our honest prayers and pleas? Is God near when hardship hits and struggles seem to never cease? The psalms are a collection of songs and poems that were written to express...

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  • He Leads Me Bible Study | Psalm 23

    He Leads Me Bible Study | Psalm 23

    He Leads Me | Psalm 23 Psalm 23 is a favorite psalm for many. It is a rich and comforting picture of our God who shepherds and cares for His sheep. Even in times of darkness and struggle, our God is always with us and leading us. He Leads Me | Psalm 23...

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  • Never Alone Bible Study

    Never Alone Bible Study

    Never Alone | 4-Week Bible Study | Walking with God Through Depression"Lord, hear my prayer; let my cry for help come before you. Do not hide your face from me in my day of trouble. Listen closely to me; answer me quickly when I call."Psalm...

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  • Colossians Bible Study | Rooted on Him

    Colossians Bible Study | Rooted on Him

    Rooted in Him | 7 Week Study | A Study on the Book of Colossians  Colossians - Rooted In Him is an in-depth 7 week study that goes verse by verse through the book of Colossians. This study is all about Jesus. It points us to who He is, teaches...

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  • Grace in the Wilderness Bible Study | 1 Peter

    Grace in the Wilderness Bible Study | 1 Peter

    Grace in the Wilderness | A Study on the Book of 1 Peter   Words of hope and encouragement are a balm to the weary soul. 1 Peter was written to persecuted Christians that desperately needed to be encouraged with the hope of the gospel. In this life,...

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  • The Lord's Prayer Bible Study | Matthew 6

    The Lord's Prayer Bible Study | Matthew 6

    The Lord’s Prayer | 3 Week Study Why do we pray? How do we pray? Does it matter what we say in our prayers? We know that as believers we should pray, but sometimes we struggle with connecting the dots in our own spiritual walks. Thankfully, Jesus...

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  • Esther Bible Study | Seeing God when He is Silent

    Esther Bible Study | Seeing God when He is Silent

    Esther | 3 Week Study | Seeing God when He is silent  Where is God when we cannot seem to hear or see Him? He is with us. He is working providently in all things to accomplish His plans and purposes. And nowhere do we see this more clearly...

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  • Beyond a Shadow of a Doubt Bible Study | 1-3 John

    Beyond a Shadow of a Doubt Bible Study | 1-3 John

    Beyond a Shadow of a Doubt | 6-week study | A Study on the Letters of John How can we receive assurance of our relationship with Christ? How are we kept from being deceived by false teaching? How does God call us to live as believers? The letters of...

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